
Croatia 2029... 9th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

Rijeka 202529. European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference

Sisak 20239th Conference of the Croatian Geotechnical Society 

Omiš 20198th Conference of Croatian Geotechnical Society with international participation Geotehnički izazovi u kršu / GEOTECHNICAL CHALENGES IN KARST, Omiš 11.-13.04.2019. proceedings >>>

Varaždin 20167th Conference of Croatian Geotechnical Society with international participation Geotehnički aspekti nestabilnosti građevina uzrokovanih prirodnim pojavama / GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY NATURAL PHENOMENA, Varaždin 10.-12.11.2016. proceedings >>>

Zadar 20136th Conference of the Society Sanacija, tehničko praćenje i održavanje u geotehnici / REMEDIATION, MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE IN GEOTECHNICS, Zadar, 17.-19.10.2013. proceedings >>>

EUROCK 2009ISRM Regional SymposiumRock Engineering in Difficult Conditions – Soft Rocks and Karst, Dubrovnik, Cavtat, 29.-31.10.2009.; individual papers can be found on the ISRM web pages; ISRM members can download up to 100 papers per year without payment; list of published papers >>>

Osijek 20095th Conference of the Society, Izvori rizika u geotehničkim uvjetima / SOURCES OF RISKS IN GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS, Osijek, 20-21.05.2009.

Opatija 20064th Conference of the Society, Ojačanja tla i stijene / SOIL AND ROCK IMPROVEMENT, Opatija, 4-7.10.2006.

Zagreb 200617th European Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference, Zagreb, 20-22.07.2006.

Hvar 2002 3rd Conference of the Society Geotehnika kroz Eurocode 7 / GEOTECHNICS THROUGH EUROCODE 7, Hvar, 2-5.10.2002.

POREČ 1998XI DANUBE-EUROPEAN CONFERENCE on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringGEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS, Poreč, 25-29.05.1998.; list of published papers >>>

Varaždin 19952nd Conference of the Society, Geotehnički problemi u urbanim sredinama / GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IN CITIES, Varaždin, 4-6.10.1995.

Novigrad 1994Geotehnika prometnih građevina / GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IN TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS, Novigrad, 5-8.10.1994.

Opatija 19891st Conference of Society for Soil Mechanic and Foundations of CroatiaOpatija, 16-18.11.1989.

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