Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering


April 29 – May 4, 2013  |  Wheeling (Chicago) Illinois

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Abstracts now due May 15, 2012

Due to numerous requests, we have extended the deadline for submission of abstracts to May 15, 2012. This will be a very important conference and we want to afford the most number of quality papers the chance to be included. We hope this deadline extension will be helpful to you and that you will submit your abstract soon to be a part of this international event. Instructions and format requirements for abstract submission are located on the conference website –

Session Themes

1a. Application of Case Histories to Practice: 

Use of Case Histories to Enhance Practical Geotechnical Engineering; Practice in Different Offices to Achieve this Objective with Examples; Importance of Lifelong Learning; Use of Case Histories in Life Long Learning; One-Page Case Histories

1b. Application of Case Histories in Education:

How Case Histories have been Incorporated in Coursework; How to Conduct Search for Case Histories, and What are the Major Sources, Examples of Specific Use/s: Importance of Teaching Case Histories; From Case Histories to Conceptual Models; Importance of Practical Experience of Professors, Use of Case Histories in Teaching Process, Is it Possible to Involve Students in Case Histories (i.e. in Engineering Practice)?

1c. Observational Method, Successes and Failures: 

Case Histories of the Successful Application of the Observational Method and Observational Control; Critically Reviewed Old Case Histories (post mortem) and Successful Case Histories, Architecture of Reporting Case Histories, and The Question of Ethics in Reporting of Case Histories, History of Geotechnical Engineering, Ancient Geotechnical Engineering

2. Unexpected Behavior and Failure of Shallow, Deep and Other Foundations, Including Soil Structure Interaction, Foundations in Expansive, Collapsible and Sulphative Rich Soils, Foundations in Arid, Semi-Arid Zones; Case Histories Involving Rapid Load Testing (Statnamic, Fundex, Drop Weight) for Deep Foundations, Pile Driving and Evaluation, Failure and Good Performance of Buildings, Foundations, Tall Buildings and Towers, and Historical Monuments

3a. Failures and Remediation of Slopes, Dams, Embankments and Landfills, Including Those on Landslides and Other Mass Movements (Debris Flows, Mudslides in California, Venezuela and Elsewhere) due to Rain, Flooding, Earthquakes, Anthropological and Other Causative Factors and Failure; Static Liquefaction of Tailing Dams; Good Performance of Levees, Solid Waste Landfills and Dams

3b. Failure and Remediation of Retaining Structures, Slurry Walls, and Deep Excavations, Dewatering, Stability

3c. Improving the Stability and Maintenance of Monuments (Big Ben, Leaning Tower of Pisa and Others)

4a. Failure and Remediation of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Including Land Slides; Lessons Learned from Pisco-Peru 2007, L’Aquila-Italy 2009, Honduras 2009, American Samoa 2009, Haiti 2010, Chile 2010, Baja California 2010, New Zealand 2010 and 2011, Tohoku Japan 2011 and other Recent Earthquakes; Reports on Recent Earthquakes

4b. Engineering Vibrations, Vibration Control for Underground and Surface Constructions with Specific Emphasis on the Urban Environment; Predictions, Monitoring and Solutions; Blasting for Tunnels in Soft Ground and Rock, Discontinuous Rocks and their Application to Water Resources Projects, and Remediation

5. Failure of Geological, Rock and Mining Engineering, Including Underground Structures and Excavations, and Subsidence of Deltas; Anticipation, Characterization, Design and Construction in the Geological Complexity of Mélanges, Fault Rocks, Weathered Rocks, Boulder Colluvium, Lahars and Similar Bimrocks (Block-in-Matrix Rocks) and Rock/Soil Mixtures, and Remediation

6a. Soil Property Improvement; Expansive and Collapsible Soils for Earthquake Mitigation; Use of Lightweight Materials; Application of Geo-Synthetics; Effects and Risks of Foundations in Freshly Loaded Filled Ancient Marshy Lands; Vanished Ports such as Alexandria, Puri-Mahabalipuram and Other Unknown; Site Characterization

6b. Geo-environmental Problems, including Soil and Groundwater Contamination, Geotechnical and Hydrological Management and Remediation of Solid, Hazardous and Low-Level Radioactive Wastes, Bioreactor Landfills, Landfill Liner and Cover Systems, Landfill Closure and Brownfield Redevelopment  

7a. Application of Geotechnics to Railway Engineering and to Rail Track Modernization; Highway and Road Embankments/Transportation Systems 

7b. Monitoring of Critical Geotechnical Constructions and Open Scale Excavation (Mining), Advanced Monitoring Techniques, Effective Monitoring Solutions, Warning systems, Large Scale Mapping of Response (LIDAR, InSAR, etc.) for Construction Control, etc. 

8a. Forensic Geotechnical Engineering, Where Things Went Wrong; Reliability of Codes; Risk Analysis Pertaining to Public Structures, Non-Destructive Evaluation and Load Testing of Drilled Shafts, Auger Cast Piles and Driven Piles; and Damage Evaluation; Advance Information, Systems in Geotechnical Risk Predication and Assessment 

8b. Health Monitoring and Retrofit of Infrastructure, including Bridges, Tunnels, and other Transportation and Geotechnical Structures, and their Effects on Existing Facilities and Buildings, and Remediation 

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