A scholarship for study on restoration from natural disasters, as well as urban disasters caused by pandemic, rapid population growth, and poverty

The Urban Redesign Studies Unit in the University of Tokyo Department of Civil Engineering offers a new scholarship for international students. This scholarship will select and support one foreign student who wants to study the restoration from natural disasters, as well as urban disasters caused by pandemics, rapid population growth, and poverty.

The Urban Redesign Studies Unit in the University of Tokyo Department of Civil
Engineering is starting to offer a new scholarship for international students. This scholarship will select and support one foreign student who wants to study about restoration from natural disasters, as well as urban disasters caused by pandemic, rapid population growth, and poverty.
Detailed information about the scholarship program:
a) Applicants
International students who want to study about restoration from natural disasters and urban disasters caused by pandemic, rapid population growth, and poverty.
b) Length of scholarship for April 2022 admission:
2 years (from April 2022 to March 2024)
c) Financial information
The program will cover the admission fee, examination fee, tuition fee, a round-trip air
ticket and living expenses*.
* Allowance for living expenses is \150,000 per month.
d) Application period
From September 1st, 2021, to October 15th, 2021.**
** The selection results will be announced on November 1st via email.
e) Eligibility
Applicants must satisfy all of the eligibility requirements for the International Graduate
Program of the Department of Civil Engineering as mentioned below in Articles (1) and (2).
In addition, applicants must also fulfill one of the eligibility requirements described in
Articles (3) and (4). The applicants must also fulfill Article (5).
(1) A foreign national who is not a permanent resident of Japan.
(2) Individuals with the language skills required to take classes and receive research
guidance in English.
(3) Masterʼs course applicants:
Those who have completed, or are expected to complete, 16 years of school education by
March 31st of the enrolment year, upon completion of their Bachelor’s or equivalent
(4) Doctoral course applicants:
Those who have completed, or are expected to complete, 18 years of school education by
March 31st of the enrolment year, upon completion of their Master’s or equivalent degree***.
(5) Individuals below the age of 36 as of April 1st of the enrolment year.
*** Certified proof must be provided if the educational curriculum in the applicant’s country requires less than 16 years for completion of a Bachelor’s degree, or less than 18 years for completion of a Master’s degree, or their equivalents.
What is the Urban Redesign Studies Unit?
The Urban Redesign Studies Unit was established as an organization to imagine cities,
regions, and land for the next generation, sparked by the Great East Japan Earthquake of
2011. Our action is taken by core members from the Departments of Civil Engineering,
Urban Engineering, and Architecture at the University of Tokyo, through collaborations with municipal governments and companies. “Restoration” in this program is not limited to restoration from natural disasters like a huge earthquake or tsunami, but also includes issues such as urban disasters caused by pandemic or rapid population growth. Our program aims to collaborate with various fields other than engineering, to establish new urban society models in global cities outside of Japan.
How to apply?
All applications must be submitted through an online application system called T-cens.
Please find the application information here:
http://www.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/admission/ (in 4 How to Apply > 3 External
scholarship). When you apply, please note our scholarship name: “Scholarship by Urban
Redesign studies April 2022.” The selected student will enroll in our department from April
2022 as an external scholar. The scholarship will be awarded after assessing all scholarship applications.
If you need help or more information about our scholarship, please contact the scholarship
team: scholarship(a)bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp. (Please change (a) to @)
Please carefully read the T-cens explanation about application procedures. Please contact
via T-cens if you have a question about the application procedure.

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