Poruka predsjednice ISRM, Međunarodnog društva za mehaniku stijena, i predsjednika Hrvatskog geotehničkog društva

Dear colleagues

The International Society for Rock Mechanics and the Croatian Geotechnical Society invite you to participate in the ISRM Workshop “Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering – Theoretical advances, investigation techniques, design” that will take place on 3 March 2016 in Zagreb.

Profiting from the fact that the ISRM Board will meet on the previous day in Zagreb, the Croatian Geotechnical Society extended an invitation to all ISRM Board members to make a presentation in the workshop. Ten other experts from Europe were also invited, and the result was a set of 22 presentations, on a broad range of subjects, which will certainly be of interest to the rock mechanics community.

The workshop counts with a strong participation of experts from Eastern Europe, which is a region with a strong tradition of rock mechanics research and practice, and with a large potential for cooperation between different countries and for an increased participation in the ISRM activities.

We hope that you will find the programme of the workshop of interest. We look forward to meeting you in March 2016 in Zagreb.

Eda Quadros, ISRM President             Ivan Vrkljan, CGS President