PhD and Postdoctoral Research Positions in THM behaviour of soils at EPF Lausanne, Switzerland

AVAILABLE POSITIONS The Geomechanics Group at EPFL is looking for two PhD students and a Postdoctoral researcher in the context of the THM testing and modelling of geomaterials as part of research activities on Fullscale Emplacement (FE) experiments for nuclear waste storage.

THE LABORATORY OF SOIL MECHANICS AT THE EPFL The Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS) is one of the laboratories within the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). The LMS focuses its research activities on theoretical and applied aspects in geotechnical engineering as well as the protection from geo-hazards and industrial damage to the environment, landforms and structures. Our experimental and modelling resources are mobilised to understand, describe and predict the environmental impact of the technologies of coming days, such as nuclear and chemical waste disposal, petroleum and gas exploitation, transportation and storage, methane hydrate technology, CO2 geological sequestration, and energy technologies related to heat storage. More information about the LM Sand its current research can be found at

REQUIREMENTS Applicants are required to have a MSc degree in Civil Engineering. Both the PhD candidates and the postdoctoral researcher will join a THM-modelling Task Force to experimentally test materials or developcodes and models based oncollected data from field experiments. Suitable candidates are expected to have good scientific research skills, outstanding communication skills and a team work attitude. First candidate selection will be performed on the basis of the excellence of the CV. Selected candidates will be then invited for an interview at EPFL.

CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT The LMS provides excellent research facilities and a competitive salary. EPFL offers an outstanding international working environment along with training and development opportunities. Personal initiative and independent research tasks related with the candidate’s interests will be encouraged. Other activities will include part-time supervision of MSc students and participation in teaching activities.

APPLICATIONS These positions are open as of January 1st 2019, or upon agreement. Suitable, highly motivated candidates should send electronic applications (as a single PDF) to The application file should include a cover letter describing interests and qualifications for the position and a complete CV.
V1. 20.11.2018

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