A letter from the organizers:
EUROCK 2013 – deadline for abstract submission is October 15
Seventh ISSMGE Webinar: Dr Frank Rausche: Pile Driving
Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 Time: 3:00 pm, GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00) Speaker: Dr Frank Rausche (USA) Session: 959 256 952 To register for this session Go to https://issmge.webex.com/issmge/k2/j.php?ED=12427737&UID=0&HMAC=0ab5aa1d97574d2c1102f78b7299e1edd656df94&RT=MiM3 and register.
First International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Application (RocDyn-1) will be held at the beautiful city Lausanne, Switzerland, during 6-8 June 2013.
The Conference is devoted to summarise the state-of-the-art in rock dynamics and applications, highlighting the current scientific research activities and engineering application challenges, covering all the aspects ranging from analytical and numerical works to laboratory testing, and to engineering. For the themes, topics and further details, please look at the conference website: http://www.rocdyn.org. RocDyn-1 welcomes the participation of the scientists and the engineers involving in rock dynamic research and engineering practice to share, to cooperate, and to progress together.
Colleagues interested to participate RocDyn-1 are invited to submit abstracts on various aspects within the conference schemes. Abstract should be about 400 words long, with a title, authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses, and be submitted in electronic form (MsWord, LaTeX or PDF) through the conference website. Deadline for abstract submission is 30 September 2012.
Javna obrana doktorskog rada mr. sc. DAVORA MILAKOVIĆA, dipl. ing. građ.
održat će se u petak, 13. srpnja 2012. u 12,00 sati u dvorani 121/1, Kačićeva 26, Zagreb.
Sixth ISSMGE Webinar – Prof. Eduardo Alonso: Unsaturated soils: basic concepts and applications
Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
April 29 – May 4, 2013 | Wheeling (Chicago) Illinois
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Abstracts now due May 15, 2012
Due to numerous requests, we have extended the deadline for submission of abstracts to May 15, 2012. This will be a very important conference and we want to afford the most number of quality papers the chance to be included. We hope this deadline extension will be helpful to you and that you will submit your abstract soon to be a part of this international event. Instructions and format requirements for abstract submission are located on the conference website – http://7icchge.mst.edu
International Conference: National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, July 4-6, 2012, http://www.sfge2012.com