Professor Jean-Louis BRIAUD Elected President of the Federation of International Geo-engineering Societies (FedIGS) Više…
6th International Conference Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
07. 05. 2014. Gospodarski forum – GOF 2014
Elektrotehničko društvo Zagreb organizira 28. međunarodno savjetovanje od 05. – 07. 05. 2014. hotel „Ivan“ u Šibeniku. Više…
Follow Geo- Congress 2014 live & participate!
Prenosimo: Više…
4th China International Piling and Deep Foundations Summit March 26-28 in Shanghai
4th China International Piling and Deep Foundations Summit (PilingChina 2014)
Two upcoming conferences in Berlin
Two upcoming conferences in 2014, the 33rd Baugrundtagung (German Soil Mechanics Conference) and the 10ICG (10th International Conference on Geosynthetics).
The 33rd Baugrundtagung will be held from 23 to 26 September 2014 in Berlin, Germany, in direct connection with the 10 ICG (21 to 25 September 2014).
A great synergy and interaction is expected between these two events, and the overlapping of lectures from both conferences will attract many participants with a background in geotechnical or geosynthetic engineering.
As a special service for the foreign guests all lectures of the Baugrundtagung will be translated simultaneously into English.
Furthermore, a combiticket for the Baugrundtagung and the 10ICG is offered with a fairly reduced prize.
For additional conference information:,
TC207 International Conference “Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining Walls” in Saint Petersburg on 16-18 June
TC207 International Conference will be held in Saint Petersburg on 16-18 June 2014 during the gorgeous season of the White Nights.
Please submit your papers before 31 March. No preliminary abstract submission is necessary.