Hrvatsko geotehničko društvo (HGD) organiziralo je 3. listopada 2014. stručno putovanje u županjsku Posavinu >>>
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3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics
Due to numerous requests, the abstract submission deadline of ICTG 2016 has been extended to May 22, 2015.
All accepted papers will be published by Elsevier as a Procedia, part of the Science direct® electronic service, and available without charge to users. The conference proceedings will be submitted to be indexed by Scopus and ISIThomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
Please feel free to submit your abstract to this conference through:
Utjecaji likvefakcije u potresima 2010. i 2011. godine u Novom Zelandu – webinar ISSMGE drži Miško Čubrinovski
Dopuna podataka o članovima HGD
Nastojeći ispuniti zahtjeve novog Zakona o udrugama, kao i zahtjeve međunarodnih društava (ISSMGE i ISRM), te dodajući neka polja koja smatramo korisnim, izrađen je obrazac u kojem ćemo voditi popis članova HGD. Lijepo molimo članove HGD da popune ovu tablicu u istom obliku, kao xls datoteku, bez promjene redoslijeda kolona, da uvrste svoj matični broj naveden u popisu članova, te je dostave na e-adresu predsjednika HGD, Ivana Vrkljana (, koji će čuvati podatke koji trebaju ostati tajnom.
Ako trebate pomoć pri pisanju svojih titula…
Studentships in Offshore Geotechnical Engineering at Oxford University
3. GEOTEHNIČKI OKRUGLI STOL: Prijedlog europske klasifikacije tla
PhD project at the British Geological Survey and University of Lancaster
a PhD based on inversion of timelapse geoelectrical monitoring data from landslides and engineered slopes
British Geological Survey/Lancaster University PhD studentship
“New geophysical approaches for monitoring landslides in safety-critical slopes” geophysical-approaches-for- monitoring-landslides-in- safety-critical-slopes
Closing date: 15 January 2015
Start date: October 2015
a PhD position available at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour in France
The PhD is in collaboration with ANDRA, the French national radioactive waste management agency. Više: Advert PhD Andra