FedIGS, federacija međunarodnih društava/udruga u geoinženjerstvu otvorila web stranice
A one day conference and award ceremony
Landslide risk mitigations with a special emphasis on observation with fiber optic sensors by Prof. An-Bin Huang
Multiphysics couplings and stability of fault zones” by Prof. Jean Sulem
The 10th ISRM Online Lecture with the title “Multiphysics couplings and stability of fault zones” by Prof. Jean Sulem is now online and will remain available for future viewing. Click to watch the lecture.
Research Studentship in Offshore Foundations
PhD studentship entitled “Interacting UK Hazards – Impacts and Origin”
New funded PhD opportunity at the University of Nottingham (UK/EU students)
There is a new fully funded PhD position (for UK/EU students), working with the Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre and the Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics at the University of Nottingham, UK. Više…
Godišnja skupština Hrvatskog geotehničkog društva 29.6.2015. u 14
Poziv na 21. redovnu skupštinu HGD-a
Godišnja skupština održava se u
ponedjeljak, 29. lipnja 2015, u 14 sati,
u prostorima Graditeljskog odjela Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu,
Avenija Većeslava Holjevca 15,
gdje je dovoljno prostora za članove i za parkiranje,
a autobusi 221 i 268 koji voze s Glavnog kolodvora, zaustavljaju se u neposrednoj blizini >>>>>>>>>>>.
Objavljen zbornik našeg savjetovanja, ZADAR 2013
Na našim stranicama u elektronskom obliku objavili smo