Studentships in Offshore Geotechnical Engineering at Oxford University
3. GEOTEHNIČKI OKRUGLI STOL: Prijedlog europske klasifikacije tla
PhD project at the British Geological Survey and University of Lancaster
a PhD based on inversion of timelapse geoelectrical monitoring data from landslides and engineered slopes
British Geological Survey/Lancaster University PhD studentship
“New geophysical approaches for monitoring landslides in safety-critical slopes” geophysical-approaches-for- monitoring-landslides-in- safety-critical-slopes
Closing date: 15 January 2015
Start date: October 2015
a PhD position available at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour in France
The PhD is in collaboration with ANDRA, the French national radioactive waste management agency. Više: Advert PhD Andra
HIMALAJA do podnožja Mt.Everesta i nazad
poziva na predavanje
HIMALAJA do podnožja Mt.Everesta i nazad
Predavanje će se održati Tonći GRGASOVIĆ, Hrvatski geološki institut
u četvrtak, 20.11.2014. s početkom u 17h
u Vijećnici RGNF-a
In situ testing in geomechanics: Questioning current engineering practice
Presenter: Professor Fernando Schnaid
Title: In situ testing in geomechanics: Questioning current engineering practice
Launching Date & Time: 01 October 2014 2:00pm GMT
The role of site effects at the boundary between seismology and engineering: lessons from recent earthquakes
U srijedu, 29. listopada 2014., s pocetkom u 13:15 sati na Geofizickom odsjeku PMF-a, Horvatovac 95 Geofizički seminar održat će Prof. Marco Mucciarelli (OGS, Trieste, Italy) The role of site effects at the boundary between seismology and engineering: lessons from recent earthquakes