4th World Landslide Forum
PhD studentships jointly offered by the Université de Pau (France) and the University of Durham (UK)
TERRE PhDs. These PhDs will lead to a double degree by both universities. The studentships are offered within the framework of the “Marie Curie” Network TERRE (further details in the attached document).
New book: Triaxial Testing of Soils
New ISRM online courses
LEMTA laboratory of the French National School of Geology (U. Lorraine) is seeking to recruit a PhD candidate
ISSMGE Webinar 18.04.2016. Geotechnical Challenges in Mexico Clay City
Varaždin 2016 – Geotechnical Aspects of Damages Caused by Natural Phenomena – the 7th conference of Croatian Geotechnical Society from 10 to 12 November 2016
(Croatian) Savjetovanje o Nacrtu Tehničkog propisa za građevinske konstrukcije i Nacrtu prijedloga Zakona o Izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o građevnim proizvodima
The 13th ISRM Online Lecture by Professor Peter Kaiser at 15 March at 10 a.m. GMT.
The 13th ISRM Online Lecture will be delivered by Professor Peter Kaiser and the title is “Challenges in rock mass strength determination for the design of underground excavations”. To watch the lecture, go to the ISRM website at 15 March at 10 a.m. GMT.