New book: Triaxial Testing of Soils
New ISRM online courses
LEMTA laboratory of the French National School of Geology (U. Lorraine) is seeking to recruit a PhD candidate
ISSMGE Webinar 18.04.2016. Geotechnical Challenges in Mexico Clay City
Varaždin 2016 – Geotechnical Aspects of Damages Caused by Natural Phenomena – the 7th conference of Croatian Geotechnical Society from 10 to 12 November 2016
(Croatian) Savjetovanje o Nacrtu Tehničkog propisa za građevinske konstrukcije i Nacrtu prijedloga Zakona o Izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o građevnim proizvodima
The 13th ISRM Online Lecture by Professor Peter Kaiser at 15 March at 10 a.m. GMT.
The 13th ISRM Online Lecture will be delivered by Professor Peter Kaiser and the title is “Challenges in rock mass strength determination for the design of underground excavations”. To watch the lecture, go to the ISRM website at 15 March at 10 a.m. GMT.
MS in Engineering position available — Coastal Geotechnics
2016 ISRM International Symposium “EUROCK 2016″
On behalf of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Turkish National Society for Rock Mechanics cordially invites the international community to attend the 2016 ISRM International Symposium “EUROCK 2016″. The symposium will be held between 29 and 31 August 2016 in Cappadocia (Turkey) which is one of the seven sites included in the World Heritage List by UNESCO and also a natural and historical rock engineering laboratory.
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Heriot-Watt University is seeking to recruit a PhD candidate to work on the investigation of freeze/thaw action on soils behaviour
The Institute for Infrastructure and Environment at Heriot-Watt University is seeking to recruit a PhD candidate to work on the investigation of freeze/thaw action on soils behaviour. To be eligible, applicants should have a first-class honours degree in a relevant subject or a 2.1 honours degree plus Masters (or equivalent).
The need for constructed facilities in the cold regions of the world has greatly increased interest relative to freeze/thaw action on soil behaviour in geotechnical engineering practice. The large increase in soil strength on freezing has been utilised by engineers in construction of frozen earth structures. The ice becomes a bonding agent, fusing together adjacent soil particles to increase their combined strength and make them impermeable to water seepage. Contrarily, when the ground temperature is increased to above 0oC, the process of thaw is initiated and the apparent increased strength and bonding is gradually lost. In the practice, the ground can be subjected to consecutive cycles of freezing/thawing that may alter the soil performance. This project aims to experimentally investigate the effect of temporal freeze/thaw action on soil behaviour.
The closing date for applications is Friday 29 February 2016.
For further information on the position & how to apply, see:
If the information provided by the link above is not enough, further information is available via email: