SEE TUNNEL ZAGREB 2017, May 04-05, 2017, SHERATON, Zagreb, Croatia
7th International Symposium on Tunnels and Underground Structures in South-East Europe
Invitation to ISSMGE members
New ISSMGE Bulletin
(Croatian) Geosynthetic Reinforced MSE Walls: Overview, Failures and Items for Improvement
Next ISSMGE webinar will be given by Robert Koerner (USA) on Tues 13th June 2017 12 P.M. GMT (noon) (followed by the 48-hour Q&A Session) >>> ISSMGE
Abstracts for XVI Danube European conference until 10. May
Compressibility and consolidation of clays: from lab to field conditions
ISSMGE webinar by Serge Leroueil, PhD, Retired Professor, Laval University, 11th April 2017 at 12 noon GMT >>>
Why Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering?
For the 17th ISRM Online Lecture the ISRM invited Professor Charles Fairhurst. The title of the lecture is “Why Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering?”. The lecture will be broadcast at the end of April, in a date to be announced, and remain available in a dedicated webpage. More >>>>