International Association for Continuing Engineering Education
is inviting to a webinar
The Future of Credentials in Engineering Professional Education >>>
to be given on 22. March 2018. by Dr. Nelson Baker >>>
Webinar Future of Credentials in Engineering Professional Education
2018 European Year of Civil Engineers
An ECCE Initiative to celebrate Civil Engineering >>>
2018 EYCE Calendar of events (pdf format)
2018 EYCE Calendar of events (xls format with events description)
ECCE Edition Civil Engineering Heritage in Europe
ECCE Edition Footbridges – small is beautiful
16. European Conference on Earthquake Engineering – Thessaloniki, 18-21.06.2018.
(Croatian) Održana Skupština HGD 09.02.2018.
Franjo Verić, Davorin Kovačić and Božica Marić: deserving members of CGS
Croatian Geotechnical Society Assembly show the gratitude for the work of three outstanding members giving them title of deserving members.
International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Architecture hosted by Technical Committee 207 ISSMGE: Urban Planning Below the Ground Level: Architecture and Geotechnics Saint Petersburg, 6-8 June 2018
International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics SEG 2018
The XVII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Reykjavik Iceland 1 – 6 September 2019
(Croatian) Skupština HGD planira se za 09.02.2018. u 14 sati
Energy Geostructures: Analysis and Design – Intensive course for practitioners and scientists
at the at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland, from March 20th to March 22nd, 2018. Registration is still open but only until February 1st 2018! More >>>