Hrvatska komora inženjera građevinarstva poziva na
edukacijsko-stručni skup
koji organizraju
Ministarstvo prostornoga uređenja, graditeljstva i državne imovine, i
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Seizmološka služba RH pri Geofizičkom odsjeku Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta,
koji zajednički rade na provedbi
Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti 2021.-2026., reformske mjere C6.1. R4 “Modernizacija i integracija seizmičkih podataka za proces obnove i planiranje buduće gradnje te monitoring javne infrastrukture”.
Modernizacija i integracija seizmoloških podataka za proces obnove i planiranje buduće gradnje
21st International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Scientific farewell for Dr Evert Hoek
Croatian Geotechnical Society organizes next European Conference of Young Geotechnical Engineers
The conference will be held from 9th to 12th September 2025.
in Rijeka, at the University of Rijeka.
Geotechnical engineers younger than 35 years in the times of the conference
are invited to visit
and to send their abstracts by 15th December
Webinar Second Generation of Eurocode 7 – Dynamic ground properties and seismic design (Eurocode 8)
CEN/TC 250/SC7 and
NEN, organize a series of free webinars on Eurocode,
and the next one is to be held on
11. December 2024. from 3 to 5 pm (CET),
with the following programme:
The Geotechnical Society of Slovenia organizes The twenty-third Šuklje’s Day, December 6, 2024, Postojna, Slovenia
Florida’s Growing Sinkhole Crisis After Hurricane Milton: A Call for Geotechnical Solutions
Lessons learned through structural renovation of built heritage after earthquakes
Croatian Centre for Earthquake Engineering and Ministry of Culture and Media organized a conference (30-31 October 2024)
Lessons learned through structural renovation of built heritage after earthquakes.