Scholarships for citizens of Croatia for study in Japan
Quick landslide at the North of Norway
NGI on quick clay and Rissa landslide >>>
Overview of other similar landslides in Norway given by NGI >>>
(Croatian) Rušenje dviju brana u SAD, Michigan, izazvalo poplavu
(Croatian) Savjetovanje s javnošću za Prijedlog zakona o obnovi zgrada oštećenih potresom na području Grada Zagreba, Krapinsko-zagorske županije i Zagrebačke županije
EGU General Assembly 2020: the online landslide sessions
EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (#shareEGU20) brings part of the activities of the EGU General Assembly 2020 online. From 4 to 8 May 2020 (CEST) everyone can join for their favourite sessions. Participation in EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online does not require payment of a registration fee.
22.03. to 14.03.2020.
Seismological Survey, University of Zagreb >>> Sequence of earthquakes in Zagrebu from 22.03. to 14.04.2020. godine. Link is showing the epicenters of the earthquakes with magnitude above 0.6 in this period, time is shown in UTC. This material is prepared by dr. sc. Marija Mustać, Helena Latečki mag. phys.-geophys. uz pomoć i iskustvo prof. dr. sc. Davorke Herak, retired professor. Video is prepared by Matejka Ivančić, mag. ing. comp.
18. 4. 2020.