Markušić S, Stanko D, Penava D, Ivančić I, Bjelotomić Oršulić O, Korbar T, Sarhosis V.
Destructive M6.2 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia) in 2020—Preliminary Multidisciplinary Research.
Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(6):1095.
O potresu u Petrinji
1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 22.-24.03.2021.
Keynote lectures:
22.03.2021. 13:00 – 15:15
Peter Fajfar Practice-oriented nonlinear seismic analysis
Paulo B. Lourenço Monuments and historic buildings: Applications and challenges in structural engineering
Kyriazis Pitilakis Site effects, site classification and intensity dependent amplification site factors in view of the ongoing revision of EC8
22.03.2021. 17:00 – 18:30
Gregory Deierlein From Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering to Urban Resilience
Dimitrios Lignos Advancing the seismic performance of steel moment resisting frames through physical testing and simulation
23.03.2021. 9:00 – 11:00
Agostino Goretti For the need to build a post-earthquake rapid assessment capacity in the Balkans
Vitor Silva The Potential Impact of Earthquakes in the Global COVID19 Pandemic
Paolo Morandi Seismic assessment of brick URM buildings: latest findings and future perspectives
23.03.2021. 17:00 – 18:30
Abhineet Gupta Probabilistic seismic risk and resilience assessment
Ting Lin Multi-Hazard Sustainability (HazSus): From Earthquake to Climate Science and Engineering
24.03.2021. 9:00 – 11:00
Neritan Shkodrani Engineering characteristics of ground shaking and some aspects of soil liquefaction during Durres earthquake
Ina Cecić The role and importance of historical earthquakes and macroseismological studies
Marijan Herak 110 years of engineering seismology and earthquake engineering in Croatia
24.03.2021. 17:00 – 18:30
Mladen Vučetić Critical review of the cyclic soil behavior and the input soil parameters and relationships for the seismic site response analyses and evaluation of liquefaction
Proceedings from the 13th International Symposium on Landslides (XIII ISL) available in open access
Stranica konferencije:
Još jedna prilika za doktorande
webinar 4.2. u 21: Quick Quake Briefing: Croatia M6.4 Earthquake of December 29, 2020
Geotehničke vijesti 2020. godine po izboru GeoEngineera
U siječnju 1962. mnoštvo potresa uključujući M6,2 u području Makarske
Dva vrlo jaka potresa dogodila su se 7. i 11. siječnja 1962. Prvi je imao magnitudu M5,9, a drugi M6,1. Potresi su se dogodili ispod mora, između otoka Brača i Hvara. Nakon oba potresa uslijedilo je mnoštvo naknadnih potresa, od kojih su najjači imali magnitudu preko 5,0 (11. siječnja u 11 sati i 2 minute, M5,1 i 21. siječnja, u 3 sata i 51 minutu, M5,2). Više…