A Berkeley Short Course on new technologies for geotechnical infrastructure sensing & monitoring
Special issue of the Journal Geofizika on 22 March 2020 ML 5.5 Zagreb earthquake
Special issue on 22 March 2020 ML 5.5 Zagreb earthquake released:
(Croatian) Nacrt plana upravljanja vodnim područjima
Andrija Mohorovičić (23.1.1857-18.12.1936)
165 years ago Andrija Mohorovicic was born in Volosko in Croatia; he proved the existence of the MOHO discontinuity, presented here by Professor Marijan Herak and Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb:
ISSSMGE TC105 online seminar series on Discrete Element Method in Geotechnical Engineering education
Prof. Kenichi Soga, who is chairing the Technical Committee 105 (TC105): Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro, and his colleagues in ISSMGE TC105 are organizing a seminar series entitled “Discrete Element Method (DEM) in geotechnical engineering education” from this coming February to May. The lectures will be given by professors and lecturers who are using DEM in their teaching, and are open for public upon registration. The programe with the links for registration are here:
(Croatian) Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu organizira skup DANI POTRESNOG INŽENJERSTVA 28.12.
23-25.06.2022. ISRM Special Conference The problems associated with soft rocks in rock engineering
Program and details of the conference are given by the Macedonian Association for Geotechnics:
Lecture by Professor Reșat Ulusay: The Roles of Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics in Rock Slope Stability Assessments: A Review Based on Current Methods
Macedonian Association for Geotechnics
and University Ss. Cyril and Methodius
Faculty of Civil Engineering – Skopje
organize the lecture to be given on 23.12.2021, from 09:00 to 12:00h, through ZOOM, by
Professor Reșat Ulusay
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Geological Engineering, Applied Geology Division
Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje
President of International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
The title of the lecture is
The Roles of Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics in Rock Slope
Stability Assessments: A Review Based on Current Methods. Continue reading….