List of all Nonveiller Lecturers

In honour of our great teacher, Professor Ervin Nonveiller, invited lectures named Nonveiller Lecture are given approximately once a year.

Some interesting data on Professor Ervin Nonveiller are given at the poster on Professor Nonveiller  (size A0, 6MB; size A4, 1MB)  prepared for the conference EUROCK 2009.

First Nonveiller Lecture was given by Profesor Heinz Brandl,, Technische Universität Wien on 7.12. 2000. with title Deep and shallow compaction of soil and other granular materials. At this occasion, an exibition on the life and work of Professor Nonveiller was prepared by Professor Franjo Verić

2nd Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Franjo Verić, University of Zagreb with the title Some experiences at design of earth dams (Neka iskustva u projektiranju nasutih brana) and Special problems of foundations (Posebni problemi temeljenja) on 4.12. 2001at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb.

3th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor William Van Impe, University of Ghent, President of ISSMGE with the title Trends and expected developments in deep foundation engineering, on 3.10. 2002., at the occasion of the third conference of the Society (HUMTGI), in Hvar, hotel “Amfora“.

4th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Mr. Alan Powderham, Mott MacDonald, UK with the title: The observational method – learning from project, on 13.11. 2003., at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb.

5th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Francois Schlosser, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees – CERMES, France, on 17.12.2004. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, with the title The foundations of the Millau viaduct in France.

6th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Antun Szavits-Nossan at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb, on 27.01.2006., with the title Geotechnical Engineering and new study programmes (Geotehnika i novi studiji građevinarstva)

7th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Pedro Seco e Pinto, ISSMGE President, with the title New trends in tunneling engineering on 5.10.2006. during the 4th conference of the Croatian Geotechnical Society and his paper is published in the proceedings of the Conference.

8th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Roger Frank, Vice president of ISSMGE for Europe, on 7.03.2008. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb, with the title French practice and theory for pile design.

9th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Ivan Vrkljan, secretary of CGS, head of the Geotechnical laboratory at the Institute IGH in Zagreb and full professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Rijeka, with the title Engineering Rock Mechanics in Croatia, on 9.11.2010., at the Institute IGH, Ulica Janka Rakuše 1, Zagreb.

10th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Dr. Nick Barton, Nick Barton & Associates, with the title Pre-grouting for water control and for rock mass property improvement, on 03.06.2011. at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering of the University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, Zagreb.

11th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Dobroslav Znidarčić, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, under the title Prvo stoljeće mehanike tla: od teorije konsolidacije do mehanike nezasićenih tala (First century of soil mechanics: from the theory of consolidation to the mechanics of unsaturated soils), 11.06.2012. at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering of the University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, Zagreb.

12th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Kenji Ishihara, Professor of Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, under the title Characteristics of Waterfront Landslides, on14.06.2013. during the Days of Chartered Civil Engineers, in Opatija, in the Congress hall of hotel Ambasador. More details of the lecture are here >>>

Mladen Vucetic l
13th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Mladen Vučetić, Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, under the title The effects of the rate of shearing on the dynamic and cyclic soil properties and the parameters for local seismic site response analyses, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, on 21. May 2014. More details of the lecture are here >>>.

14th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Paul W. Mayne, Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, under the title GeoCharacterization by Seismic Piezocone in 2016 and Beyond, on 5.10.2016. at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering of the University of Zagreb. More details of the lecture are here >>>

15th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Atilla Ansal, President of European Association of Earthquake Engineering, Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department, Özyeğin University, editor of the Springer series Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, and main editor of the Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, on 25.10.2017. More details of the lecture and its record are here >>>

16th Nonveiller Lecture was delivered by Professor Kerry Rowe on 15.05.2018. under the title Past advances and future directions in geoenvironmental engineering: a personal perspective. More details of the lecture and its record are here >>>

17th Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Giovanni Barla, Politecnico di Torino, with the title Novel Investigative Tools of Rock Slopes and Tunnels in View of Realistic Modelling in Engineering Applications on 12.04.2019. in Omiš, in time of the ISRM Specialized conference and 8th conference of Croatian Geotechnical society OMIŠ 2019. More on the lecturer and the lecture is given on our web pages >>>

18. Nonveiller Lecture was given by Professor Dietmar Adam, TU Wien, with the title  Soil compaction and compaction control – state of the art, innovations and developments on 27.09.2022. in Zagreb. More could be seen here >>>

19th Nonveiller Lecture will be given by Professor Janko Logar, University of Ljubljana, with the title  The role of advanced technologies in selected case histories of forensic geotechnics on 11.03.2025. in Zagreb. More could be seen here >>>