International Graduate Program in the Field of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Studies

International Graduate Program in the Field of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Studies in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Tokyo offers advanced academic experiences and full scholarships (covering tuition fees and living expenses) leading to the degrees of Master of Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering).

Students expecting to complete Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees before the end of September 2022 and those who already completed these degrees are eligible to apply for 2022 October admission. Scholarships include one from the Japanese government and other organizations provided to a wide range of candidates and one from Asian Development Bank provided to those with work experiences. Applicants are requested to register online between 1st September 2021 and 24th November 2021. The due date for submission of applications for 2022 October admission is 30th November 2021.

The admission information along with some general information is available at the web sites:
Should you have any questions concerning our program, please feel free to contact Foreign Student Office (FSO) by email:

An overview is given here >>>

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