Međunarodni doktorski seminar “Recent trends on the ecoconstruction of buildings”

an international doctoral school on the theme “Recent trends on the ecoconstruction of buildings” will be open free of charge to all those interested. The school will take place on 28 and 29 September 2017 in Anglet, next to the touristic city of Biarritz on  the French Basque Coast, and is sponsored by both the “Marie Curie” Network TERRE ( and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (

The school will provide an overview of the most recent building technologies to reduce the carbon footprint and increase the sustainability of current construction practice. It will cover several topics from the design of energy-efficient materials to the optimization of surfaces and facades, from the case study of “ecological” dwellings to the life cycle assessment of buildings, with a special focus on the use of geomaterials.

The school programme is enclosed with the present email together with a leaflet containing some practical information about the location where the event will be held and a registration form. The school is open free of charge to all those interested and, for this reason, we must have a clear idea of numbers attending in order to ensure an adequate venue. All those interested in taking part to this event are therefore kindly required to fill in the enclosed registration form and to return it to the email address as indicated on the form itself. The strict deadline for returning the registration form is Sunday 16 July 2017 but, if you  could send it well in advance of that date, it would be very helpful to us for planning the event.

Should you need further information, feel free to write to .

materials:   >>>>>>>>>>>>>


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