Category Archives: other societies

(Croatian) Gradilište Pelješkog mosta u stvarnom vremenu

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23.-24.10.2019. ReSyLAB & GEO-EXPO 2019 in Sarajevo

The 4th Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region – ReSyLAB & 9th scientific and expert conference GEO-EXPO 2019 Sarajevo >>>>

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(Croatian) 30.08.2019.

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Pelješac Bridge

News from Jutarnji list >>>

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(Croatian) Novosti s mosta Pelješac

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Award of Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers given to our member and secretary of our Society Ivan Mihaljević

Award of the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers, Kolos, for Geotechnical Engineering was given to our member and secretary of our Society, Ivan Mihaljević for the design of the highway Prishtina-Hani and Elezit.

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Scholarships for research and other studies in Japan

Embassies of Japan are offering scholarships for doctoral and other studies in Japan. More:

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(Croatian) Izmjene i dopune Zakona o poslovima i djelatnostima prostornog uređenja i gradnje

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(Croatian) Objavljena knjiga Mensura Mulabdića: Ispitivanje tla u geotehničkom laboratoriju

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(Croatian) Javna obrana doktorskog rada pristupnika Josipa Peranića, mag. ing. aedif., pod nazivom “Importance of Geotechnical Cross-Section Unsaturated Zone for Landslide Occurrence in Flysch Deposits / Značaj nesaturirane zone geotehničkog presjeka za pojavu klizišta u naslagama fliša”

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Posted in thesis defence, other societies | Comments Off on (Croatian) Javna obrana doktorskog rada pristupnika Josipa Peranića, mag. ing. aedif., pod nazivom “Importance of Geotechnical Cross-Section Unsaturated Zone for Landslide Occurrence in Flysch Deposits / Značaj nesaturirane zone geotehničkog presjeka za pojavu klizišta u naslagama fliša”