Category Archives: prenosimo

7th International Symposium on Tunnels and Underground Structures in South-East Europe


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ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories – Volume 4, Issue #1


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International Conference on Geosynthetics 2018 in Seoul

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Dealing with the Consequences of Liquefaction

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) San Diego Chapter, the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Extension and the GeoInstitute San Diego Chapter are organizing the 2nd Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering with the topic “Dealing with the Consequences of … finish reading Dealing with the Consequences of Liquefaction

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Razmišljate li o studiju u Japanu?

Početkom svibnja raspisan je natječaj za stipendije Vlade Japana (MEXT) za preddiplomske i diplomske, te istraživačke studije u Japanu ( S ciljem osiguravanja boljeg razumijevanja postupka prijava, odabira kandidata, uvjeta stipendiranja i samog studiranja u Japanu, Veleposlanstvo Japana organizira informativno … finish reading Razmišljate li o studiju u Japanu?

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4th World Landslide Forum “LANDSLIDE RESEARCH AND RISK REDUCTION FOR ADVANCING CULTURE OF LIVING WITH NATURAL HAZARDS” Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 29 – June 2, 2017 (Monday to Friday) Sažeci se primaju do 8. svibnja

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PhD studentships jointly offered by the Université de Pau (France) and the University of Durham (UK)

PhD studentships jointly offered by the Université de Pau (France) and the University of Durham (UK). TERRE PhDs. These PhDs will lead to a double degree by both universities. The studentships are offered within the framework of the “Marie Curie” … finish reading PhD studentships jointly offered by the Université de Pau (France) and the University of Durham (UK)

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2016 ISRM International Symposium “EUROCK 2016″

On behalf of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Turkish National Society for Rock Mechanics cordially invites the international community to attend the 2016 ISRM International Symposium “EUROCK 2016″. The symposium will be held between 29 and 31 August 2016 in Cappadocia … finish reading 2016 ISRM International Symposium “EUROCK 2016″

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Niste bili u Japanu, ali želite stipendiju za 3-6 mjeseci istraživanja u Japanu?

Doktorirali ste? Radite u Hrvatskoj? Imate manje od 49 godina? The Matsumae International Foundation do kraja kolovoza 2016. prima prijave za 2017 Research Fellowship Program

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ITA Croatia organizira međunarodni simpozij Urban Undergorund Structures in Karst

Svoje sažetke pošaljite najkasnije do: 15. siječnja, 2016. ITA Croatia poziva sve autore koji žele dati svoj doprinos u obliku članka na dostavljanje sažetaka u skladu s temama Simpozija „Gradske podzemne građevine u kršu“. Znanstveni odbor će prihvatiti sve članke zainteresiranih sudionika koji … finish reading ITA Croatia organizira međunarodni simpozij Urban Undergorund Structures in Karst

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