Category Archives: thesis defence

Our member Olja Barbir defended her doctoral thesis at TU Wien

Development of condition-based tamping process in railway engineering

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(Croatian) Javna obrana doktorskog rada pristupnika Josipa Peranića, mag. ing. aedif., pod nazivom “Importance of Geotechnical Cross-Section Unsaturated Zone for Landslide Occurrence in Flysch Deposits / Značaj nesaturirane zone geotehničkog presjeka za pojavu klizišta u naslagama fliša”

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(Croatian) Naša članica Karolina Gradiški brani doktorski rad 30.06.

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Ingrid Tomac, member of CGS, defended her doctoral thesis at Colorado School of Mines,

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Javna obrana doktorskog rada mr. sc. DAVORA MILAKOVIĆA, dipl. ing. građ.

TRENUTNA I KONSOLIDACIJSKA SLIJEGANJA TLA IZAZVANA BUŠENJEM TUNELA U KRUTIM GLINAMA, održat će se u petak, 13. srpnja 2012. u 12,00 sati u dvorani 121/1, Kačićeva 26, Zagreb.

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Zeljko Lebo defended his master of science thesis

14. July 2011. at 9 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Kačićeva 26.

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