Category Archives: stručne ekskurzije

We are grateful to the sponsors of SISAK 2023


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Conference photos

We are grateful to many distinguished guests and members of the Croatian Geotechnical Society for their excellent contributions. Here are some photos following the presentations:  

Posted in naša savjetovanja, Petrinja 2020, Earthquake Engineering, stručne ekskurzije | Comments Off on Conference photos

The excursion on Saturday, 6 May

Posted in naša savjetovanja, Petrinja 2020, stručne ekskurzije | Comments Off on The excursion on Saturday, 6 May

Have you registered for the conference in Croatia?

Applications for the conference >>> 9th conference of the Croatian Geotechnical Society with international participation and under the auspices of ISSMGE will be held from 04 to 06 May 2023. in Sisak, around 50 km from Zagreb. APPLICATIONS >>  GUEST … finish reading Have you registered for the conference in Croatia?

Posted in naša savjetovanja, our news, Petrinja 2020, Earthquake Engineering, Invitation, stručne ekskurzije | Comments Off on Have you registered for the conference in Croatia?

(Croatian) Stručna ekskurzija Most Cetina – obilaznica Omiš 19.05.2022

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(Croatian) Na gradilištu mosta Pelješac započinje iskop i ispitivanje pilota na horizontalnu silu

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(Croatian) Stručna ekskurzija HGD na most Pelješac 22.-23.03.2019.

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