Category Archives: ISSMGE

Poziv članovima ISSMGE u Europi: Prof. Lylesse Laloui – ISSMGE Vice-President za Europu

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Javlja ISSMGE: The ISSMGE “Geo-engineers Without Borders” new Committee (GeoWB) launched by President Marc Ballouz and managed by Pierre Delage with the help Daniela Pollak (Board member) aims at proposing to send volunteer geo-engineers from the ISSMGE worldwide network to … finish reading GEO-ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS

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ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talks 13. Laboratory Stress Strain Strength Testing of Geomaterials (TC101)

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ISSMGE Interactive Technical Talk Episode 12: Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (TC104)

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ISSMGE Europe newsletter, special edition 2023

ISSMGE Europe newsletter, special edition 2023

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The 7th ERTC10 Webinar on the Second Generation of Eurocode 7 – Ground properties

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ISSMGE poziva

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O metodi opažanja s dr. Marcom Ballouzom i ISSMGE:

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Dr. Marc Ballouz: Geotechnical Engineering Marriage between Theory & Practice

30th BUCHANAN LECTURE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY October 20th, 2023 Dr. Marc Ballouz, ISSMGE Geotechnical Engineering Marriage between Theory & Practice

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Preservation of Historic Sites

Sedma epizoda International Interactive Technical Talk ISSMGE-a posvećena je čuvanju povijesno važnih spomenika: Preservation of Historic Sites.

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