Category Archives: in memoriam

We lost our dear friend, the ISRM President 2015-2019

Dr. Eda Freitas de Quadros visited Croatia several times making us grateful for her support, for her work, and for enjoying her beautiful personality. In this photograph, the ISRM President 2015-2019 is greeting the participants of the ISRM Workshop in … finish reading We lost our dear friend, the ISRM President 2015-2019

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We lost Professor Mladen Vucetic, Ph. D., member of our Society

Professor Mladen Vucetic, Ph. D., started his studies and his research in Zagreb, he continued in Norway and in the USA. The biggest part of his significant working life he was a the University of California Los Angeles  ( In … finish reading We lost Professor Mladen Vucetic, Ph. D., member of our Society

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(Croatian) Preminuo je naš dragi gost i predsjednik ISSMGE-a 1994-1997

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(Croatian) Jedna tužna vijest

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(Croatian) Preminuo je naš dugogodišnji član, Zvonko Blagus,

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In memoriam

From the ISRM pages: Giovanni Barla, 1940-2019 2019-11-19 “It is with deep sadness that we inform all ISRM members that our colleague and friend Prof. Giovanni Barla passed away on 17 November. “Giovanni was a very active member of our … finish reading In memoriam

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(Croatian) Preminuo je naš dugogodišnji član

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(Croatian) Napustio nas je dragi učitelj, kolega, prijatelj, profesor Nenad Bićanić

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(Croatian) Davorin Kovačić zabilježio je sjećanja na dragog kolegu Damira Čorka

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