Dubrovnik International ESEE Mining School

Official website: http://www.rgn.hr/en/studies/dubrovnik-international-esee-mining-school

First edition of the DIM 2016 is focused on advanced methods and innovative approaches to blasting. Course will begin with round table “Challenges in the Society” on the importance of the wider societal and economic acceptance of drilling and blasting, by educating mining engineers on the newest innovative, tested techniques on environmentally friendly blasting.

Course is composed of several subunits discussing all critical aspects of blasting with numerous applicative examples: detonation theory and numerical modelling, planning, controlling, modelling and measurements of fragmentation, drill hole deviation, initiation energies vs. velocity of detonation (ANFO /heavy ANFO blends), new primary initiating explosives, OPSIN systems,  legal framework of blasting, blast design, health safety and the environment and specific aspects of blasting.

Finally, a half-day on-site excursion is organized for  participants at nearby limestone quarry, where a demonstrations of discussed methodologies and explosives-types will be performed.

DIM 2016 is joint pilot project of the University of Zagreb and Montanuniversität Leoben based on strong international cooperation and industrial support of the two institutions.


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