XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13-17. rujna 2015.


Should all authors be members of ISSMGE or is it sufficient if the primary author is a member of ISSMGE?

Only one author needs to be a member of the ISSMGE.
Is there a limit to the length of the abstracts?

All matters regarding the format and length of the abstracts are taken care of automatically by the web-based submission system. (This imposes a 250 word limit on the text of the abstract).
Is there a template for the submission of the abstracts?

No, this is taken care of by the web system (see above).
How many abstracts can be submitted by any National Group?

We hope not to restrict the number of abstracts (and subsequently papers) that are submitted by the European National Societies. However, if this does become a problem we will assess this at the Abstract acceptance stage and work with the national Societies to resolve this issue.
Are the Member Societies asked to review the abstracts prior to submission?

We will ask the Member Societies to review the abstracts after submission. Further guidance will be issued before the reviews begin.
Should the abstracts be submitted by every author individually or should each National Group of the ISSMGE submit its choice of abstracts together?

The abstracts can be submitted by the authors individually. Of course, if you wish to collate abstracts from your National Group and submit these together then this is also possible but it will be a lot of work for you. Either way we will keep the National Societies regularly informed of abstract submissions between now and the closing date.

Procedure for submission and review of abstracts and papers


  1.  All abstracts (and later papers) must be submitted through the conference website by the corresponding author for each paper. http://xvi-ecsmge-2015.org.uk/
  2. During the abstract submission period, we (the Conference Organising Committee – COC) will keep the National Group Chairs and the Scientific Committee (SciC) members informed of the numbers of abstracts received from members of their National Group. Abstracts will be forwarded to the members of the SciC immediately after the deadline for abstract submission.
  3. Each National Group, through their SciC member, will be asked to arrange for all abstracts submitted by members of their Group to be reviewed by two appropriate people. Each reviewer will be asked to give a score to each abstract they consider to be of an acceptable standard. The scoring system will be from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest quality. These scores will be used in the event that too many abstracts are received. (The COC is committed to maximising the number of technically sound papers included in the proceedings and we hope that we will not need to limit the number of submissions from any National Group, but we should be prepared for that eventuality.)
  4. At the end of the abstract review process, the final decision regarding acceptance will rest with the COC. The COC will then notify the authors and inform the SciC and the National Group Chairs of the review results. Acceptance of an abstract  by the COC is confirmation that the associated paper will be published, subject only to it meeting the minimum technical standards
  5. The paper submission and review procedure will be similar, with a period allowed for final revision of papers by authors after they have been reviewed by the National Groups (via their SciC representative). The final decision regarding paper acceptance will rest with the COC.
  6. We will issue further details of the technical review process before it begins.
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